My Promise

My Promise
Shaun Goodrich Photography would like to get to know the person/product and capture the essence of whom you are. Creating in the camera what I see in life, it's paramount that your images grab the client's attention. That's my specialty; eyes that jump out of the image, hair that flows like water, poses that are natural and unassuming, capturing a moment that evokes an emotion to whom ever is looking.
For any model, how much work is there? Tons, with the Internet, advertising and television, the jobs are infinite. There is plenty of work for everyone. You're going to have to convince the industry; you’re seeking, that your image is ready to be discovered. Why am I telling you this, because I want you to succeed. Success comes from being well informed and having the image that makes a client pause.
Shaun Goodrich Photography knows your dreams are realistic and with the proper visual representation, my vision will make that image pop off the screen, page or billboard.